Check In: 4PM - Flexible
Check Out: 11AM
Check-in instructions are sent a few days before check-in. We are happy to allow an early check-in only if condo is clean and ready. I will contact you if everything is ready early.
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No events allowed
No Events, gatherings, or parties
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No Pets
No Pets Allowed. No Acceptions. This is an HOA policy and will result in fines to the renter.
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No smoking allowed
No smoking or open flames inside the condo
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House Rules

*Names of all guests staying at the Condo
*Respect our home as you would your own home
*Max 8 adults & 2 kids under 18 for a total of 10 overnight guests
*No Parties, Events, Gatherings, and or additional guests
*No smoking, vaping, or open flames
*No pets-No Exceptions-Not Allowed per HOA-Renter will be fined
*No slime, ply-doh, glue, paint, glitter, confetti, dye, or the like
*Return Pool Key Fob - $50 fee for replacement of lost or missing
*Quiet hours 11 weeknights/ 12 weekends
*No filming with the intent to distribute
*No commercial businesses
*No illegal substances and or activities in the Condo or on OTYC property
*No 3rd party rentals or subletting
*Report all damages or breakages

**We reserve the right to evict any guests or visitors from the property who refuse to follow these house rules with no Refunds Issued***

Min age rule

The guests who booked reservation must be staying on the property the entire booked reservation

Payment Policy

Payments accepted from Venmo - PayPal - Zelle - Personal Check - Certified Check

Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy is Firm. Guest can and should purchase trip insurance independently. Trip insurance is easily available online from many reputable companies. We make no recommendations.

Cancellation Policy: If the guest wishes to cancel the reservation, the deposit, and payments will be refunded as follows:

a) 30 days before the check-in date – 100% refund of all deposits and payments made.

b) 29 days before check-in date – 50% refund of all deposits and payments made.

c) 14 days before check-in No refunds

d) If cancelled days are rebooked a refund less the difference between the paid price and the new booked price will be given.

e) In place of a refund a guest can receive a credit for unused nights within a year of cancelled dates. A new reservation must be made for the credited nights. The new reservation depends on available dates and price differences. Guests can be charged additional fees for price differences or fees that may have increased from the original reservation.

f) Either a refund or credit will be given but not both.

g) In the case the owner has to cancel the reservation - 100% refund of all deposits and payments made will be refunded. We will make every effort to NOT cancel a reservation, but sometimes an unforeseen incident can not be avoided.

h) Cancellation after 1st Day of Reservation: If a guest reservation has begun and you must leave and can not complete your stay.

i) We will refund the same as above in (d,e, and f)

j) A new cleaning fee will be charged at the current cleaning rate for the new reservation date.

k) Hurricane Policy: If there is a storm or hurricane, the above cancellation policy applies, unless a mandatory evacuation is issued for the Beaufort, NC area. If there is a mandatory evacuation during the guest’s stay, no refunds will be given for nights stayed, a refund will be prorated for nights not used, or a stay rescheduled to a future open date within one year of booked dates if available. We encourage all guests to purchase Traveler Insurance through a private company. It is the guest’s responsibility to obtain and know their coverage options.


At the time of booking guests accept and agree to the following:
1) ALL House Rule
2) Will Provide a state-issued ID where picture, name, and address can be seen
3) Will provide a current Mailing Address, Phone Number, and Email Address
4) Names of all Guests staying on Property

2024 | Beaufort Sunrise

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